Thursday, December 29, 2011

find it

You really are the only controlling factor in your self happiness. If you're positive, everything around you will be positive. Only search for the good in things and that's what you'll receive. Fuck all the negative bull shit & just smile.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

it was really nice to meet you

I am so grateful for all the wonderful new friends I have made this year. I appreciate every single person who took the time to actually get to know me. I'm blessed to be surround by amazing people everyday of my life at school and work. You guys are always there for me, whether it's to listen to me complain or tell me how much of a wonderful person I am ( even though I never want to listen to your compliments. ) Everyday you make me realize how lucky I am. You've all made me realize that I can do anything I put my mind to. You've helped me see that maybe some people just shouldn't be in life & you've shown me the true definition of a "friend". I will no longer be taken for granted and walked all over. I deserve better than that. I'm tired of laying it all out there for nothing... constantly trying for what? To be pushed to the side and ignored. I will stick up for myself and I will be happy goddammit! So thank you to all the wonderful people who make it a point to let me know that you genuinely care for me. I love you all soo much.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The castles we built were so tall, they only left us further to fall

But glaciers have frozen your feet, I can't wait for eternity... so you watched me wash away but, maybe we'll catch up some day.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I love when you fall asleep on me & randomly twitch, how you suffocate me when you cuddle. I love the way you look at me & how you always tell me I'm beautiful even if I look like a mess. I love the way you're always there when I need you & how good you are to me. I'm sorry I'm not always the most pleasant person to be around & that sometimes I can seem unappreciative of everything you do for me. I really do appreciate you. You're an amazing person, but you already knew that ;)